Barrier-free options

EdelSteinLand offers a selection of barrier-free accommodation options, tourist attractions and excursion tips. “Travel for all – certified barrier-free” as the seal of approval states for reliable holiday and excursion planning. All participating businesses and premises have been subjected to a strict inspection by a specially trained appraiser, tasked with assessing their barrier-free set-up. This enables you to get a good idea of accessibility, e.g. with a pram or wheelchair before starting your holiday.

The certification can be awarded for 7 needs-based groups, which in turn is broken down into 3 levels (info level, partially barrier-free, barrier-free):

> People with a physical impairment
> Wheelchair users
> People with a hearing impairment
> People with no hearing
> People with a visual impairment
> People with no sight
> People with a cognitive impairment

Reliable and detailed information about the premises and facilities can be viewed at Visit the barrier-free tourist information centres in EdelSteinLand at the offices located in Herrstein and Idar-Oberstein.

Great sights to see:

> The German Gemstone Museum (Deutsches Edelsteinmuseum), Idar-Oberstein
> The Historic “Weiherschleife” Cutting Mill (Historische Weiherschleife), Idar-Oberstein
> Historic Copper Mine with mine shaft (Historisches Kupferbergwerk mit Erbstollen, Fischbach
> WasserWissensWerk, Kempfeld


> Camping Harfenmühle, Mörschied-Harfenmühle
> Marienhöh - hideaway & spa, Langweiler
> Diamanthotel Idar-Oberstein, Idar-Oberstein
> Hotel-Restaurant Steuer, Allenbach
> Hotel Forellenhof, Bundenbach
> Natur-Chalets zum Nationalpark, Allenbach
> Traumweiler Ferienhäuser, Kirschweiler

Excursion tips:

> Open-air theatre (Freilichtbühne), the “Karl-May Performances”
> Trade fair centre (Messe), Idar-Oberstein
> Shopping centre (Globus), Idar-Oberstein

3 days of unlimited gemstone experience

In EdelSteinLandthere is so much to discover! Visit the German Gemstone Museum (Deutsche Edelsteinmuseum), with specialist facilities for guests with limited mobility, and experience how gemstones were crafted many years ago at the Historic “Weiherschleife” Cutting Mill. With sufficient seating throughout, the grounds offer an unbounded, pleasant holiday experience.

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4 days of unlimited Edelstein adventure

Enjoy barrier-free Edelstein adventure! Visit the former “Erbstollen” main mine shaft at the Fischbach Copper Mine and be amazed by the beautifully crafted exhibition on show at the German Gemstone Museum (Deutsche Edelsteinmuseum). Both attractions offer special equipment and fittings for guests with limited mobility. The excursion to EdelSteinLand is then completed with a visit to the [...]

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accommodation & booking


Tourist Information

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