The German Gemstone Queen

Since 1976, the Association “Förderverein Deutsche Edelsteinstraße e.V.” has been electing the German Gemstone Queen every two years, who is tasked with representing the Association’s purpose to a global audience, as well as drawing attention to the region’s unique characteristics when it comes to gemstones and jewellery.

Traditionally, the  German Gemstone Queen is presented to the public on the evening of her coronation, which takes place in the form of a gala.

The appointments for the German Gemstone Queen are versatile: they can be both regional and national, as well as national and international. They range from festivals, trade fair visits, exhibition openings, receptions and gala evenings through to TV and radio interviews.
The longest journey took the German Gemstone Queen to Hong Kong / Asia.

The German Gemstone Queen gives welcome speeches and holds presentations, lectures, informs, remains available for topic-related photoshoots, gives autograph sessions, takes part in interviews and participates in press conferences.

At present, the 23rd German Gemstone Queen representing the region is Cécile Elligsen.

Further information on the German Gemstone Queen can be found on the homepage of the Association Förderverein Deutsche Edelsteinstraße e.V.

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