Andrea Fischer - Author

For me, there is no more beautiful place on earth than the Hunsrück. I live on a farm in the middle of the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park and my love for my home can be found on every page of my book "Glücksorte im Hunsrück". I take my readers on a wonderful journey to 80 places in Hunsrück that offer pure well-being and true happiness.

One of my favorite places is Herrstein with its wonderful "Zehntscheune" (tithe barn<). The old barn, where some 20 years ago cows were peacefully chewing their hay at the feeding trough, has now been lovingly restored into a station allowing you to travel back in time. The building nestles lovingly against the old town wall of Herrstein and invites you to take a break. But also the town center itself with its richly decorated half-timbered houses from the 15th to 18th century fascinates me again and again. The high architecture of the late Gothic, the Renaissance and the Baroque resound around every corner and make the heart of the romantic beat faster. A dream guild of about 60 houses below the castle and church is grouped around the town hall square. In addition, there are picturesque alleys and Herrstein's landmark, the old clock tower. A flight of steps takes the hiker up to the castle church and then into the nearby beech forest. Soon the undulating hills of the Hunsrück with fields, meadows and forest become visible. Here you have fantastic views over the patchwork of a wonderful meadow and field landscape. Simply beautiful!

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